Performance Techniques
for singers of any style, ages 12 and up
This workshop will bring your songs to life, make performing fun (and not scary!), and connect you with fellow singers!
Do you want to be the first to know when Performance Techniques is offered again?
Get in touch here.
Say Goodbye to Stage Fright
Even celebrities get stage fright. Come learn about what causes stage fright, what is happening physically and mentally when you get nervous about performing, and how to overcome that fear.
Now availabe as an online course! More info here.
Do you want to be the first to know when Say Goodbye to Stage Fright is offered live again?
Get in touch here.
Auditions Made Easy
A Step-by-Step Method to Ace Your Auditions Every Time
Do you love performing but dread auditioning?
Come learn how to walk into your auditions, competitions, and master classes with confidence and poise.
Prepare to show yourself at your best!
Do you want to be the first to know when Auditions Made Easy is offered again?
Get in touch here.